Albert Hayensworth and his repeated failed attempts at a simple conditioning test is a microcosm of what is wrong with many star athletes these days. The fact that he thought he was above the workout programs with the team in the off season was enough. He is a veteran player and should be able to handle his own conditioning program. A few weeks before training camp he bragged about losing weight and being in the best physical condition of his life. So much for that.
Being a notoriously lazy but talented player, he should be in the shape and practice that test relentlessly just to shake off the bad reputation that has grown on him. The fact that he came to training camp severely unprepared and is now not able to practice until he successfully completes the test just strengthens critic's views that he is just another overpaid athlete.
Hopefully young people who look up to athletes as role models will realize that you have to work hard, be consistent and play by the rules to be successful and fulfill your responsibilities.