Friday, August 6, 2010

Is he That Fast?

                               *(Usain Bolt)
The current "worlds fastest man", Usain Bolt of Jamaica*, is known for his greatness on the track.  He makes the impossible (breaking world records) seem effortless, simultaneously embarrassing the other seven men running on the track with him.  He has been known to say things sometimes impulsively, and is notoriously for not running as hard as he possible can through the whole race.  He runs to win the race and then begins to celebrate at his opponents' expense.  Many analysts have speculated over how low his times can really get. 
         At age 24, he may not have reached his peak, and with no major injuries ailing him many people are saying he could enter territory many thought not humanly possible for a person with no synthetic muscles or bionic arms and legs.**
The limits of the human body don't seem to affect Bolt's cofidence; evidenced by his recent claims in an interview that he thinks that by the 2010 summer games in Londen he will hit sub 9.4 hundred meter speed.  Is this humanly possible? to reach 9.39 speed a sprinter will have to run over 40 miles pe hour at 65 meters and continue it to the finish.  No matter how outlandish these claims seem, it is not arguable the if anyone has the right to make these promises its Bolt. 

Who knows? He may have been able to run sub 9.39 if he didnt start his victory jog 40 meters into 100 meter race in the olympic gaames in Beijing. 


1 comment:

  1. Interestig perspective. Him pulling up before the end of most races in which he participates, may even be perceived as some amount of arrogance on his part.
